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Livro Impresso

When spiritism speaks

Espiritismo, Religião, Humanidade, Spiritism, Sainthood, Faith


Eight lessons, one purpose: what Spiritism has to say about… Carnival? Death penalty? Religion? Sainthood? Time and the future of humanity?
These and other interesting, attention catching topics, are covered in Therezinha Oliveira´s book. The author delves into history and literature to speak of human costumes and activities which shaped modern thought, but it is through Spiritism and its teachings that she filters her analysis, offering the reader a didactic and objective work.

Metadado adicionado por Editora Allan Kardec em 20/06/2024

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ISBN relacionados

9788587715913 (ISBN de outro volume da coleção)
9788587715920 (ISBN do Produto Semelhante)

Metadados adicionados: 20/06/2024
Última alteração: 18/10/2024

Autores e Biografia

Oliveira, Therezinha (Autor) , Lira, Josué Luiz Cavalcanti (Editor) , Monteiro, H. M. (Tradutor) , Polessi, Andrei (Capista)


Concerning Saithood
In search for happiness
Spiritist books arouse the souls
Time and us
Where is humanity heading?
Not a death penalty, a life penalty
Religious thought in humanity
Examing the festive season of Canival
Translator´s afterword

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