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Livro Impresso

Fluz quito

artes;fotografia;fotógrafo;técnica de fotografia


From the elegant embossed cover through hundreds of stunning color photographs.this volume is a fitting tribute to the contemporary Mexican architect J. Francisco Serrano. whose career began in 1959 and. 40 years later. shows no sign of slowing down. Often compared to the Mexican master Ricardo Lagorreta though less well-known than Lagoretta outside Latin America Serrano continues to define the look of Mexico s cities with over 100 major completed buildings. urbanplanning projects. and projects on the drawing board.Growing up as the son and grandson of eminent architects who designed several Mexico Citylandmarks. Serrano (born 1937) has surpassed both men in the scope and brilliance of his designs. Serrano s work is distinguished for its remarkable use of stone,glass and especially, innovative reinforced concrete. Among other signature techniques, he is known for adding white marble granules to the concrete mix. creating a glistening white finish which is then chiseled to expose the aggregate.27Singapore and Nicaragua as well as Mexico. and paying special homage to two of his Mexico Citymasterpieces. the campus of the Universidad Iberoamericana. and Terminal 2 of the International Airport.30.

Metadado adicionado em 27/01/2025

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Metadados adicionados: 27/01/2025
Última alteração: 24/01/2025

Autores e Biografia

Monasterio, Pablo Ortíz (Autor) , Carreras, Claudi (Autor)

Áreas do selo: ArtesHumanidadesInfantojuvenilLiteratura estrangeiraTécnicos

A Editorial RM é uma editora independente que se especializa em livros de arte, fotografia, arte contemporâneo e literatura. É considerada uma das editoras mais prestigiosas de livros de arte na América Latina.
A Editorial RM tem escritórios na Espanha e no México. A editora tem publicado obras de artistas e escritores de renome internacional, como Frida Kahlo, Leonora Carrington, Graciela Iturbide, Saul Leiter, Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Martin Parr, Julio Cortázar, entre outros.
A Editorial RM é o editor autorizado da obra de Juan Rulfo e de diversas publicações sobre a sua vida e obra.

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