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Livro Impresso

An Enemy of the People

Teatro, Peças, Política, Noruega


Despite the stupendous technological advances of recent years, this text by Ibsen shows us how we are still dealing with socio-economic problems incredibly similar to those of the industrial revolution. "Happily the theory that culture demoralizes is only an old falsehood that our forefathers believed in and we have inherited. No, it is ignorance, poverty, ugly conditions of life..." By transitioning the protagonist, we bring an intersectional and contemporary perspective to the play's narrative, which addresses gender and sexuality in the context of governmental and socio-economic (abuse of) power. Ibsen doesn't give us a prepared answer, he poses stimulating questions that polarization tends to obfuscate. Embark on this journey through time, which takes us to a strangely familiar place.

Metadado adicionado por Plataforma9 em 23/08/2024

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ISBN relacionados

9786599409356 (ISBN do Produto Semelhante)

Metadados adicionados: 23/08/2024
Última alteração: 23/08/2024

Autores e Biografia

Ibsen, Henrik (Autor) - Henrik Ibsen was an iconic playwright and theater director, born in 1823 in the municipality of Skien in Norway.; Wabi-Sabi, Mirna (Organizador) - Mirna Wabi-Sabi is a writer, editor, translator and founder of Plataforma9, born in 1988 in Niterói, Brazil.; Wabi-Sabi, Mirna (Coordenador) , Wabi-Sabi, Mirna (Editor) , Wabi-Sabi, Mirna (Editor Técnico) , Moreira, Izabela (Ilustrador) - Izabela Moreira is an illustrator and muralist, born in 1997 in the city of Matinhos, on the coast of Brazil's state of Paraná.; Wabi-Sabi, Mirna (Diagramador) , Moreira, Izabela (Capista) , Botner, Ana (Editor (colaborador)) , Wabi-Sabi, Mirna (Adaptação) , Botner, Ana (Colaborador)

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