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If I were starting the ministry again - eBook
timeless instructions and life-changing wisdom

Church, leadership, pastoral ministry, pastor, ministry life, spiritual life


This book arose from the search and need of the author, John M. Drescher, to discern the real importance and what he would emphasize if he were starting the ministry again.

His reflection considers what he would have liked someone to have shared with him when he started. It is a pious return to the most basic principles of the Gospel. With simple questions like: What was the impetus that motivated your Christian calling? What is the goal that currently guides your ministerial formation? Drescher writes about cultivating one's spiritual life, reading the Scriptures, empowering by the Holy Spirit, prayer, forming leaders, visiting, planting churches, among other important topics.

The contents of this book, once practiced, transform the lives of those who take the ministry seriously. So, serving Christ as his partner becomes a great privilege.

José Carlos Pezini - Pastor, writer, professor and church planting consultant (Brazil / USA)

Metadado adicionado por Editora Esperança em 16/09/2024

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ISBN relacionados

9788578392956 (ISBN de outro volume da coleção)
9788578393014 (ISBN de outro volume da coleção)

Metadados adicionados: 16/09/2024
Última alteração: 09/12/2024

Autores e Biografia

Drescher, John M. (Autor) - John M. Drescher foi, antes de tudo, um discípulo de Jesus Cristo. Ele faleceu em 2014, aos 85 anos. Era conhecido como autor, professor e pastor, tendo servido em várias igrejas menonitas e no campus da Quakertown Christian School. Foi também editor de uma revista da igreja. Escreveu 37 livros, com destaque para "Se eu começasse minha familia novamente" e "Se nós começássemos nosso casamento novamente. Foi casado com Betty por 62 anos, teve 5 filhos, 14 netos e 9 bisnetos.; Beckert Jr., Claudio (Coordenador) , Panfil, Rafael Filipe (Projeto gráfico) , Panfil, Rafael Filipe (Diagramador) , Lopez, Neriel (Capista) , Dugan, Nedra Ann (Revisor) , Dugan, Nedra Ann (Revisor técnico)



Preface to the new edition


1 I would seek to be more disciplined in the cultivation of my own spiritual life

2 I would seek to give much more time to the study and preaching of Scripture

3 I would seek to make my ministry more Christ-centered

4 I would try to remember that it is not my eloquence, but the Holy Spirit´s enablement which will accomplish Christ´s purpose in my ministry

5 I would seek to keep in mind that, in spite of all its failures, the church is the body of Christ doing God´s work in the world

6 I would strive to lead and equip each member for the work of ministering

7 I would look for and encourage creative centers

8 I would place a primary emphasis on prayer

9 I would seek to always remember that my calling is not to control people´s faith, but to love them into the kingdom of God

10 I would seek to always be aware that God is at work, usually in persons, places, and programs where I least expect God to be working

11 I would seek to always remember that I minister only out of overflow and that fruit is produced only on new growth

12 I would be strongly drawn to church planting rather than to an established congregation

13 I would seek to be more disciplined in practicing the personal touch through visiting the flock

14 I would beware of particular pitfalls in the ministry

Additional Timeless Wisdom


Áreas do selo: HumanidadesIdiomas e referênciaInfantojuvenilReligiãoReligião / Espiritismo

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