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In the invisible (No invisível - Inglês)

Espiritismo, Ciência, Sobrevivência natureza do mundo espiritual e vida após a morte, Trata dos estudos e das expeiências mediúnicas realizadas pelo autor, Analisa o espiritismo experiemental e suas leis, Os fatos, Comenta as grandezas e misérias da mediunidade, Existência do fenômeno mediúnico em todas as épocas da humanidade, A perda do temos da morte, Estabelecimento definitivo do Reino de Deus na Terra


Allan Kardec recommended prudence and knowledge as necessary preparation for the practice of mediumship, as they are the means for avoiding conscious and unconscious errors. In the Invisible is an indispensable book for students of mediumistic experimentation. Léon Denis wrote this treatise on experimental Spiritism, which,
besides studying the laws that govern the communications between the invisible and physical worlds, presents a large number of spirit-related cases researched by scholars and the conclusions they reached. The author concludes that, “The constant and in-depth study of the invisible world, which is also the world of causes, will be the great resource and the inexhaustible reservoir on which thought and life must be nourished. Mediumship is the key.”

Metadado adicionado por FEB Editora em 28/08/2024

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ISBN relacionados

9786555705850 (ISBN de edição brochura)

Metadados adicionados: 28/08/2024
Última alteração: 22/11/2024

Autores e Biografia

Denis, Léon (Autor)

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