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Livro Impresso

The future role of biofuels in the new energy transition
lessons and perspectives of biofuels in Brazil

combustível, história dos combustíveis, motores, engenharia de transportes


The current upheaval in the energy sector, and the consequent potential implication for biofuels, have led the authors to write this book. The prime focus is Brazil whose historical experience has been, and continue to be, a source of inspiration worldwide.

The book is aimed at a wide readership. It examines the key historical development of biofuels in Brazil, current and future. The book investigates these key developments in detail.

The reader interested in biofuels and their wider implications, will be enriched by this unique experience. In a world where fossil fuels will, eventually, be phased out, biofuels represent a viable partial alternative in many countries. Biofuels represent a world of possibilities.

Metadado adicionado por Blucher em 10/05/2023

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ISBN relacionados

9786555067477 (ISBN do e-book em ePUB)

Metadados adicionados: 10/05/2023
Última alteração: 22/11/2023
Última alteração de preço: 10/05/2023

Autores e Biografia

Cortez, Luís Augusto Barbosa (Autor), Rosillo-Calle, Frank (Autor)



Avant Propôs



1. Brief Global Energy Overview: Trends/Scenarios and The New Role of Biofuels

2. Historic Background of Biofuels in Brazil

3. The Present Situation of Biofuels in Brazil

4. Future Production Models of Biofuels in Brazil

5. The Future of Biofuels in Brazil

6. General Conclusions

List of Abbreviations

About the Authors

Áreas do selo: ArtesEducaçãoGastronomiaHumanidadesIdiomas e referênciaInfantojuvenilLiteratura estrangeiraLiteratura nacionalSaúde, esporte e lazerTécnicosTeoria e crítica literária

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