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3 books to know - Western

Adams, Andy (Autor), Grey, Zane (Autor), Wister, Owen (Autor), Nemo, August (Editor)

aprender inglês, aprenda inglês, learn english, contos em inglês, public domain, domínio público, Zane Grey, Max Brand, Clarence E. Mulford, William MacLeod Raine, B. M. Bower, Charles Alden Seltzer, Jackson Gregory, Andy Adams, Willa Cather, Rex Beach, jesse james, Amazing Stories, Pulp Fiction, Penny Dreadful, 7 Best Short Stories, Essential Novelists, Complete Fiction, Omnibus, Cowgirl, Cowboy, Country, Texas, Red Dead Redemption, Rodeo, Ranch, Colorado, western stories


Welcome to the 3 Books To Know series, our idea is to help readers learn about fascinating topics through three essential and relevant books. These carefully selected works can be fiction, non-fiction, historical documents or even biographies. We will always select for you three great works to instigate your mind, this time the topic is: Western.

- Riders of the Purple Sage by Zane Grey.
- The Log of a Cowboy by Andy Adams.
- The Virginian by Owen Wister.

Published in 1912, Riders of Purple Sage is the most popular western novel of all time. It is a story of a female rancher who incurs the wrath of the local clergy when she refuses to marry the deacon. To get revenge, the town preacher begin harassing the woman until a gunslinger rides into town and decides to help her out. The Log of a Cowboy is about a young cowboy helping to drive three thousand circle-dot longhorns along the Great Western Cattle Trail from Brownsville to Montana in 1882. Andy Adams wrote it as a response to the unrealistic cowboy stories that were being written at that time. The Virginian is the story of a hero, who epitomizes integrity, responsibility, loyalty, justice, chivalry, and magnanimity. It is regarded as the first cowboy novel and it stands as one of the top 50 best-selling works of fiction. Hollywood experts considered the book to be the basis for the modern fictional cowboy.

This is one of many books in the series 3 Books To Know. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the topics.

Metadado adicionado por Tacet Books em 23/03/2021

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ISBN relacionados


Metadados completos:

  • 9783967995633
  • eBook
  • 3 books to know - Western
  • --
  • 1 ª edição
  • 3 books to know
  • 9
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • Adams, Andy (Autor), Grey, Zane (Autor), Wister, Owen (Autor), Nemo, August (Editor)
  • aprender inglês, aprenda inglês, learn english, contos em inglês, public domain, domínio público, Zane Grey, Max Brand, Clarence E. Mulford, William MacLeod Raine, B. M. Bower, Charles Alden Seltzer, Jackson Gregory, Andy Adams, Willa Cather, Rex Beach, jesse james, Amazing Stories, Pulp Fiction, Penny Dreadful, 7 Best Short Stories, Essential Novelists, Complete Fiction, Omnibus, Cowgirl, Cowboy, Country, Texas, Red Dead Redemption, Rodeo, Ranch, Colorado, western stories
  • Paradidáticos / Leitura
  • 810
  • Velho Oeste (FIC033000), Velho Oeste (YAF069000), Romântica / Velho Oeste (FIC027100)
  • --
  • 2020
  • 21/06/2020
  • Inglês
  • Brasil
  • --
  • Livre para todos os públicos
  • --
  • 597 páginas
  • R$ 19,90
  • 49019900 - livros, brochuras e impressos semelhantes
  • --
  • 9783967995633
  • 9783967995633
  • --
  • --
  • --

Metadados adicionados: 23/03/2021
Última alteração: 21/09/2021


- Riders of the Purple Sage by Zane Grey.
- The Log of a Cowboy by Andy Adams.
- The Virginian by Owen Wister.

Áreas do selo: Didáticos / Ensino MédioLiteratura estrangeiraLiteratura nacionalParadidáticos / LeituraParadidáticos / ReferênciaTeoria e crítica literária

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