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7 best short stories - Classic Sci-Fi

London, Jack (Autor), Weinbaum, Stanley G. (Autor), Jones, Neil Ronald (Autor), Hoffmann, E.T.A. (Autor), Bellamy, Edward (Autor), Hawthorne, Nathaniel (Autor), Nemo, August (Editor)

tacet books, domínio público, public domain, classic literature, ficção literária, clássicos, sci-fi, aprender inglês, aprenda inglês, learn english, contos em inglês, Must-read, sci-fi stories, classic science fiction, futuristic, time travel, parallel universes, fictional worlds, space exploration, extraterrestrial life, ufology, Amazing Stories, Pulp Fiction, Complete Fiction, Hugo Awards, Hugo Gernsback, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Nobel Prize in Literature


Welcome to the book series 7 best short stories specials, selection dedicated to a special subject, featuring works by noteworthy authors. The texts were chosen based on their relevance, renown and interest. This edition is dedicated to Science Fiction.

Science fiction, whose roots go back to ancient times, is related to fantasy, horror, and superhero fiction, and includes many subgenres. Science fiction have become popular and influential over much of the world. Besides providing entertainment, it can also criticize present-day society, and is often said to generate a sense of wonder. Enjoy these seven classic science fiction short stories selected by the critic August Nemo:

- A Thousand Deaths by Jack London.
- A Martian Odyssey by Stanley G. Weinbaum.
- Parasite Planet by Stanley G. Weinbaum.
- The Jameson Satellite, by Neil Ronald Jones.
- The Sandman by E. T. A. Hoffmann.
- To Whom This May Come by Edward Bellamy.
- Rappacini's Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Metadado adicionado por Tacet Books em 29/03/2021

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ISBN relacionados


Metadados completos:

  • 9783966610346
  • eBook
  • 7 best short stories - Classic Sci-Fi
  • --
  • 1 ª edição
  • 7 best short stories - specials
  • 14
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • London, Jack (Autor), Weinbaum, Stanley G. (Autor), Jones, Neil Ronald (Autor), Hoffmann, E.T.A. (Autor), Bellamy, Edward (Autor), Hawthorne, Nathaniel (Autor), Nemo, August (Editor)
  • tacet books, domínio público, public domain, classic literature, ficção literária, clássicos, sci-fi, aprender inglês, aprenda inglês, learn english, contos em inglês, Must-read, sci-fi stories, classic science fiction, futuristic, time travel, parallel universes, fictional worlds, space exploration, extraterrestrial life, ufology, Amazing Stories, Pulp Fiction, Complete Fiction, Hugo Awards, Hugo Gernsback, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Nobel Prize in Literature
  • Paradidáticos / Leitura
  • 820
  • Literária (FIC019000), Ficção Científica / Coleções e Antologias (FIC028040), Ficção Científica / Ação e Aventura (FIC028010), Ficção Científica / Geral (YAF056000)
  • --
  • 2020
  • 21/06/2020
  • Inglês
  • Brasil
  • --
  • Livre para todos os públicos
  • --
  • 84 páginas
  • R$ 6,90
  • 49019900 - livros, brochuras e impressos semelhantes
  • --
  • 9783966610346
  • 9783966610346
  • --
  • --
  • --

Metadados adicionados: 29/03/2021
Última alteração: 21/09/2021


- A Thousand Deaths by Jack London.
- A Martian Odyssey by Stanley G. Weinbaum.
- Parasite Planet by Stanley G. Weinbaum.
- The Jameson Satellite, by Neil Ronald Jones.
- The Sandman by E. T. A. Hoffmann.
- To Whom This May Come by Edward Bellamy.
- Rappacini's Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Áreas do selo: Didáticos / Ensino MédioLiteratura estrangeiraLiteratura nacionalParadidáticos / LeituraParadidáticos / ReferênciaTeoria e crítica literária

Somos uma editora independente que cria obras interessantes e inéditas, a partir de conteúdo em domínio público, nos idiomas inglês, espanhol e português.

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