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7 best short stories - British authors

Doyle, Arthur Conan (Autor), Chesterton, G. K. (Autor), Galsworthy, John (Autor), Lawrence, D. H. (Autor), Jacobs, W. W. (Autor), Hardy, Thomas (Autor), Nemo, August (Editor)

tacet books, domínio público, public domain, classic literature, ficção literária, clássicos, aprender inglês, aprenda inglês, learn english, contos em inglês, Must-read, greatest British novels, greatest British short stories, Zadie Smith, Thomas Hardy, Henry Fielding, Joseph Conrad, Jane Austen, Kazuo Ishiguro, Ian McEwan, Samuel Richardson, Ford Madox Ford, George Orwell, William Makepeace Thackeray


Welcome to the book series 7 best short stories specials, selection dedicated to a special subject, featuring works by noteworthy authors. The texts were chosen based on their relevance, renown and interest. This edition is dedicated to British Authors.

British literary tradition is very rich. It unites the heritage of its own classics, such as medieval and Shakespeare productions, as well as the cultural influences of the various colonies and peoples who, throughout history, have mixed into British imagination. The critic August Nemo brings an excerpt of this rich cultural heritage through seven specially selected short stories:

- The Blue Cross by G.K. Chesterton.
- The Red-Headed League by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
- Quality by John Galsworthy.
- A Love-Knot by W. W. Jacobs.
- The Shades of Spring by D. H. Lawrence.
- Kew Gardens by Virginia Woolf.
- The Three Strangers by Thomas Hardy.

Metadado adicionado por Tacet Books em 30/03/2021

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ISBN relacionados


Metadados completos:

  • 9783966106337
  • eBook
  • 7 best short stories - British authors
  • --
  • 1 ª edição
  • 7 best short stories - Specials
  • 29
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • Doyle, Arthur Conan (Autor), Chesterton, G. K. (Autor), Galsworthy, John (Autor), Lawrence, D. H. (Autor), Jacobs, W. W. (Autor), Hardy, Thomas (Autor), Nemo, August (Editor)
  • tacet books, domínio público, public domain, classic literature, ficção literária, clássicos, aprender inglês, aprenda inglês, learn english, contos em inglês, Must-read, greatest British novels, greatest British short stories, Zadie Smith, Thomas Hardy, Henry Fielding, Joseph Conrad, Jane Austen, Kazuo Ishiguro, Ian McEwan, Samuel Richardson, Ford Madox Ford, George Orwell, William Makepeace Thackeray
  • Paradidáticos / Leitura
  • 820
  • Europeia / Inglesa, Irlandesa, Escocesa, Galesa (LCO009000), Antologias (vários autores) (FIC003000), Clássicos (FIC004000)
  • --
  • 2020
  • 21/06/2020
  • Inglês
  • Brasil
  • --
  • Livre para todos os públicos
  • --
  • 80 páginas
  • R$ 6,90
  • 49019900 - livros, brochuras e impressos semelhantes
  • --
  • 9783966106337
  • 9783966106337
  • --
  • --
  • --

Metadados adicionados: 30/03/2021
Última alteração: 21/09/2021


- The Blue Cross by G.K. Chesterton.
- The Red-Headed League by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
- Quality by John Galsworthy.
- A Love-Knot by W. W. Jacobs.
- The Shades of Spring by D. H. Lawrence.
- Kew Gardens by Virginia Woolf.
- The Three Strangers by Thomas Hardy.

Áreas do selo: Didáticos / Ensino MédioLiteratura estrangeiraLiteratura nacionalParadidáticos / LeituraParadidáticos / ReferênciaTeoria e crítica literária

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