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Livro Impresso

The ebike book



Following on the success of The Bike Book, this volume takes us inside all aspects of this growing phenomenon—from smart technology and advanced design to the top visual trends. With power, distance, and speed, these handy vehicles will soon change urban mobility forever. Far less expensive and polluting than even the smallest e-car, e-bikes can be suitable for a variety of lifestyles, such as for difficult hilly terrains or long distance riding. And just like traditional sport and urban bikes, they can also come in folding options for convenience and luxury versions for stylish comfort.

Metadado adicionado por Teneues em 11/01/2024

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Metadados adicionados: 11/01/2024
Última alteração: 25/02/2025
Última alteração de preço: 25/02/2025

Autores e Biografia

Neupert, Hannes (Autor)

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