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Livro Impresso

Caribbean Passagemaking

Caribbean Passagemaking, ESPORTES, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc


The chain of islands from the Virgins to the southern Lesser Antilles is one of the most desirable tropical cruising grounds as well as the most accessible for North American and European sailors. The Caribbean Sea is usually benign, but the conditions are very different from your home waters-you must learn to sail with the grain of wind, weather, current, and climate, or these forgiving waters will turn into a punishingly rough old sea. Learn to sail in harmony with the winds and currents that surround the Virgins, the Leewards, and the Windwards, and your Caribbean sailing experience will be the good one you deserve.

This updated third edition of Caribbean Passagemaking is an entertaining mine of information for the sun-soaked passage planner as well as the dreamer back home. Here is the full, vital background to help skipper and crew enjoy sailing the Caribbean islands.
Topics include:
·How to achieve easier passagemaking and sail in comfort
·Which are the safe and easy harbors
·How to spot the weather windows
·Prevailing winds and currents
·Ideal equipment for Caribbean waters
Plus a wealth of practical, down-to-earth hints and tips.

Metadado adicionado por UmLivro em 24/12/2024

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Metadados adicionados: 24/12/2024
Última alteração: 23/12/2024

Autores e Biografia

Weatheritt, Les (Autor)

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