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Livro Impresso

Classes in Classical Ballet

Classes in Classical Ballet, ARTES, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc


A companion guide to one of the bestselling Limelight Edition titles, this book by Asaf Messerer, a founder of what has become known as the Bolshoi School, is one of the most celebrated manuals of classic dance instruction in the world. Messerer has gained an international reputation for his classes in classical technique-models of invention and well-rounded exercise, stressing both precision and fluid artistic control. Nearly 500 photographs of principal Bolshoi dancers illustrate the positions and steps indicated, and an introductory section by Messerer outlines his basic plan and philosophy of teaching.

Metadado adicionado por UmLivro em 07/01/2025

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Metadados adicionados: 07/01/2025
Última alteração: 03/01/2025

Autores e Biografia

Messerer, Asaf (Autor)

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