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Livro Impresso

Mentally Tough

Mentally Tough, ADMINISTRACAO E NEGOCIOS, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc


Sport Psychologist Dr. Jim Loehr and marketing consultant Peter Mclaughlin outline techniques that can be used to achieve the mental toughness displayed by professional athletes. They take these techniques--including visualization, motivation, performance ritual, breath control, and more--and demonstrate how they can be effectively applied in the business world.

Mental toughness allows anyone to overcome stress, anger, fatigue, petty problems and workload so they can accomplish their goals, unlock their boundless physical and mental energy and be focused, relaxed and confident in the workplace. The techniques outlined in this book allow anyone to hone their mental toughness and succeed in today's tough business world.

Metadado adicionado por UmLivro em 07/01/2025

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Metadados adicionados: 07/01/2025
Última alteração: 03/01/2025

Autores e Biografia

Loehr, James E. (Autor)

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