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Livro Impresso

Encyclopedia of Archival Science

Encyclopedia of Archival Science, COMUNICACAO E LINGUISTICA, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc


Here is the first-ever comprehensive guide to archival concepts, principles, and practices.

Encyclopedia of Archival Science features 154 entries, which address every aspect of archival professional knowledge. These entries range from traditional ideas (like appraisal and provenance) to today's challenges (digitization and digital preservation). They present the thoughts of leading luminaries like Ernst Posner, Margaret Cross-Norton, and Philip Brooks as well as those of contemporary authors and rising scholars. Historical and ethical components of practice are infused throughout the work.

Edited by Luciana Duranti from the University of British Columbia and Patricia C. Franks from San José State University, this landmark work was overseen by an editorial board comprised of leading archivists and archival educators from every continent: Adrian Cunningham (Queensland State Archives, Australia), Fiorella Foscarini (University of Toronto and University of Amsterdam), Pat Galloway (University of Texas at Austin), Shadrack Katuu (International Atomic Energy Agency), Giovanni Michetti (University of Rome La Sapienza), Ken Thibodeau (National Archives and Records Administration, US), and Geoffrey Yeo (University College London, UK).

Metadado adicionado por UmLivro em 22/12/2024

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Metadados adicionados: 22/12/2024
Última alteração: 20/12/2024

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