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Livro Impresso

Rise of Universities (Revised)

Rise of Universities (Revised), ADMINISTRACAO E NEGOCIOS, Longleaf Services on behalf of Cornell University


The origin and nature of the earliest universities are the subjects of this famous and witty set of lectures by the man whom eminent scholars have called "without exaggeration . . . the soul of the renascence of medieval studies in the United States." Great as the differences are between the earliest universities and those of today, the fact remains, says Professor Haskins, the "the university of the twentieth century is the lineal descendant of medieval Paris and Bologna." In demonstrating this fact, he brings to life the institutions, instruction, professors, and students of the Middle Ages.

Metadado adicionado por UmLivro em 22/12/2024

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Metadados adicionados: 22/12/2024
Última alteração: 20/12/2024

Autores e Biografia

Haskins, Charles Homer (Autor)

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